Lenormand Oracle

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Material: Plastics and Waterproof
Tags: All Decks, All Products, Alternative, Art Themes, Best Seller, Historical, New Arrival, Oracle Deck, Plastics, Waterproof,

Dive into the world of Lenormand with the Lenormand Oracle Deck. This deck features the iconic 36 cards of the Lenormand system, each beautifully illustrated to provide clear and insightful readings. Known for its precision and practicality, the Lenormand Oracle is ideal for everyday questions and deep introspection.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced reader, the Lenormand Oracle Deck offers a straightforward yet profound approach to divination. Explore the clarity and depth of the traditional Lenormand symbols, and let this deck guide you through the complexities of life with its timeless wisdom. 🌟🔮✨

Tarot is a centuries-old system of divination that combines symbolism and intuition to offer insights into the past, present, and future. Tarot readings are done through a 78-card deck and are usually performed by a skilled practitioner (although one doesn’t have to be a professional to give a tarot reading!).

Tarot readers draw and then interpret cards in response to a seeker's questions or concerns. Each card in the deck carries its own unique symbolism and meaning; for example, The Fool can mean innocence and new beginnings while The Magician can represent desire.

While some view tarot as a mystical or supernatural tool, others see it as a reflection of the reader’s subconscious and the seeker's own thoughts and emotions.

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As experienced tarot readers from the ATA, we're fueled by a passion for the universe's mysteries and committed to guiding tarot enthusiasts in exploring its wonders. However, we've noticed a lack of focus on beginners on many learning websites and tarot sales platforms. As industry leaders, we've launched Sia Tarot to swiftly guide novices and help them choose a card deck that aligns with their energy—it's the heart of Sia Tarot.

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